Impact of design in our daily life…!

Anupama Hembram
6 min readJun 25, 2021


Photo by Carli Jeen on Unsplash

Everything surrounding us is there for a reason and designed in a certain way to fulfill the same. Do we ever realize why they are so? or are they fulfilling their purpose?..

First, let's understand.

What is design..?

According to the oxford dictionary, Design is “ A specification of an object or process, referring to requirements to be satisfied and thus conditions to be met for them to solve a problem”.

If we try to understand this, there are various prospects of looking at design. Design is not just a piece of art but a process to solve a problem. Design can be in any form.

“Just look around you everything has a design”.

Why a design is defined as a bad design or a good design…!

In my point of view, a good design is a design that conveys the correct message as it is intended to convey and a bad design is a design that fails to do the same.

Similar to the product design if a product is designed to fulfill a purpose or a need and its success defines it as a good design and failure as a bad design.

Here Are The Few Examples From My Daily Life Of BAD & GOOD Designs :

Let's see the bad designs first..!


We all use these types of toothbrushes to clean our teeth every day and might have seen the backside of the toothbrush. Now, the question arises why it is given ..! As per the product description, the backside of the brush is used to clean our tongue and remove the odor-causing germs easily.

A toothbrush

The fact is nobody has ever used this for tongue cleaning ever.

Instead of using the backside of the toothbrush people use other products for tongue cleaning.

So, what do you think about this product? is it doing its job properly..?

Lets, understand the use of toothbrushes

  1. to clean our teeth
  2. to clean the tongue

No doubt it's cleaning our teeth but what about our tongue?

In my perspective, if a product has to be judged, then it should be judged based on the reasons for what it was made.

If I have to judge this product -The advertisement company makes extravagant claims about the product and it doesn't fulfill its purpose completely. Hence for me, it's a completely bad design.

2.Bad Drainage System

Being a solo traveler in India I always felt like we have a very bad design of drainage system in our country, which often causes blockage in the drain, overflow of contaminated water on the road, causing harm to our water body and the living creature on this planet.

E.g., Image of a drainage system.

If we see in the detail What is the cause of this problem?

  1. The planning for the drainage system or we can say the bad design of the drainage system.
  2. Lack of environmental awareness.

Even, if we see in our surroundings most of the peoples are throwing their waste into the drain without even thinking about its consequences and the impact upon us.

If I talk about the solution

In my opinion:-

  1. Our drainage system should be covered in such a way that it should allow only the water to pass through it.
  2. It should not pass the drain water to the main water body ( like river, ocean, or ponds).
  3. We should practice recycling drainage water and reuse them for other purposes.

3.This is an Extension Cord

It is used in my house for years. But still, I feel less fulfilled while using it. I brought this extension from the market thinking that I will be able to use this for charging three devices altogether. I was very excited…!

Extension Cord

After several days of usage, I found out that it is not possible to use three plugs altogether. It was really disappointing at that time but what to do..! There was no way to exchange or return it.

Our First View

The fig-1.0 describes our first view of the product. Being a customer when we first see this product we think waoo… we can charge three devices all together that's soo awesome…! and it also has a long wire so that we can use it at a distance from the main switchboard according to our convenience with a handle to carry easily.

We can see in fig-2.0 and fig-3.0 how I am struggling while using the extension cord altogether.

Being a User if I see the product as a whole it fails to fulfill its purpose and the product design is also very bad not at all user-friendly.

if we see just the look and the quality of the product. It looks pretty good and the quality of the material is also very strong.

And yes…! the product really needs to be improved in a better way so that the main purpose of the product is fulfilled.

Let’s see the Good Designs now..!

1.Safety Matches

I use these matches for multiple purposes in my daily life and I get amazed by the fact that how thoughtfully this product has been made. So simple in design yet fulfills its complete purpose.

Matches Box

How it fulfills its purpose

  1. Very simple in design
  2. It's self-explanatory
  3. Environmental Friendly
  4. and Useful

Definitely, it's a good design.

2.Mouse Pad

Mouse pad

This is a mouse pad that I use every day and I feel it's a great design. This mouse pad may look very simple but after using it you will most probably feel its absence.

Plus points of using it:

  • it protects my mouse from getting scratched or damaged.
  • it has an awesome grip on any surface.
  • It is very comfortable to use the mouse on a mouse pad.
  • Increases my work performance.

3.Safety Pin

Safety Pin

We all use safety pins daily But still, we never considered safety pins as a well-designed product.

Safety pins are there since the 15th century and they will still be in the future also. Due to its simplicity and usefulness, every one of us uses safety pins in today's modern time also.

The main purpose of the safety pins is to fasten something (e.g. a piece of fabric or anything) and it does its job very well.

Apart from it, we can use these safety pins for many other purposes also.

Imagine how the world would have looked without design, nothing would work. Not even the living creatures.

Isn’t that amazing we can see and feel different forms of design in so many ways.

